A and B pillars
After the front doors I deadened the A and B pillars. I used silver Dynamat Extreme since I still had some laying around that wasn't used on the 406 Coupé. This is to avoid having sections with different colours of Dynamat.
A pillars
Dynamat Extreme and Dynaliner 1/4" was added to the A pillars. I couldn't apply Dynaliner on the entire surface of the A pillar because there wasn't enough space, just adding Dynamat Extreme proved to be quite a challenge, it was a tight fit.

The A pillar trim already has closed cell foam for decoupling and since it will probably be replaced nothing was done. It's one thing I have been noticing, almost every trim part has some sort of decoupling, in the 406 Coupé almost no trim part had this.
B pillars
The B pillar is divided in two parts, a top part that goes along the line of the rear windows, and a bottom part that goes from the window to the floor. There isn't much space, on the top part there is the seatbelt height regulator and the bottom part has the seat belt roller so it was tight.
Just like the A pillars, the top part of the B pillar has closed cell foam for decoupling and the bottom part has very thick foam.
I did the top part first, applying Dynamat Extreme and Dynaliner and then the bottom part applying the same materials.

After this was done I repeat the process on the other pillar and put the top trim part back in place on both pillars.
At the bottom part of the B pillar sits the seat belt roller with some deadening foam around it. I had space to apply Dynamat Extreme, but the Dynaliner 1/4" was too thick so it was applied partially. I thought about adding 1/8" Dynaliner but it would be the same thing, the foam would not go back in place.

Some caution is needed so no butyl runoff goes to the seat belt or the seat belt roller. On the bottom of the seat belt roller there is already a thick layer of foam from factory.

Space was at a premium in both the A and the B pillars, but even with small amounts of Dynamat there is some perception of lower noise levels.
Done in 9 of August, 2014