Dynamat Extreme on the rear parcel shelf
The rear parcel shelf is made of metal and since it doesn't contribute anything to the structural rigidity of the car, so it's quite thin. The Polyglass 690 CV1 move quite a lot of air and have a great bass, so the parcel shelf rattles a lot. I have added some pieces of Focal Plain Chant on the interior of the speaker supports to close some holes to avoid having air passing there, but there was no change, the parcel shelf was still rattling a lot.
The deadening of the rear parcel shelf took me two afternoons to do. It's quite tricky, there is little space there because of the rear glass and working upside down to apply Dynamat to the underside of the parcel shelf is not good for your back.

The underside is visible when you open the boot, but only if you place yourself low to the ground or put your head inside the boot. It would be a good idea to apply some black acoustic carpet just to have a better finish.
I forgot to mention, to install the rear speakers I had to bent the metal on the rear parcel shelf. This was already been done, probably the previous owner had installed some different speakers in there. To avoid any cuts if someone were to place their hands there I applied fabric looming tape to create a rim were the metal was bent. After that I applied Dynamat on top to give it a uniform look and remove any sharp edges on the metal.

The rear parcel shelf cover had some Brax eXvibration applied to it, but unfortunately I don't have any pictures.
Done in 22 of July, 2007